Pain Sucks! When we experience aches, throbbing and pure
misery it consumes us. Our every waking thought becomes the mantra OUCH. All
pain serves a purpose. What message is our body trying to tell us? Do we
continue each day in a constant loop of agony? Ignore it and hope it leaves? Turn
into one of those cranky people that perpetually complains? Become another Dr
House addicted to Vicodin? Or do we reach a breaking point that we actually do
something about it? Can the discomfort
force us to find a way to ease the symptoms through medication, alternative medicine,
holistic therapies, or lifestyle changes? Pain teaches us to be responsible for
our own bodies.
The Misery Journal is a tool to discover patterns in your aches and pains. Many
types of pain have patterns when we look at the big picture. Does it hurt at
3am every morning? Does it hurt more with cold weather, or hot weather? Does
movement make it worse? Are there foods that make it worse? These and many
similar patterns to be found in our daily lives can give us, and your doctor, a
much better idea of what's going on with you.